Owl Children's Illustration

7-11 Hawaii and Lion Coffee stickers

YFC Annual Report

Lulu Chips branding

Zoom Wedding pre-ceremony animation

Sneaker Head poster series

MÄlama Loko Ea visitor brochure

Honolulu Museum of Art: 2019 Art After Dark

Hawaiian Royalty Cards

Hawaii Food and Wine Festival holiday gif

Annual Report: Environmental Council (Hawaii)

Presentation Design - Corporate Design

Hawaii DOH Health Report

Digital Annual report: Hoops Hawaii

the Basketball Hair Club

Honolulu Museum of Art event poster

Honolulu Museum of Art event poster

Kobe Rewind

O'ahu Shores illustration series

2017 Year of the Rooster

6 Figure Income Podcast art

Hawai'i community gardens book

Food Illustration-Vietnamese

Waiwai - Sustainability in Hawaii

Presentation Design - Topical/Educational

Presentation Design: Marijuana

Presentation Design: Funding Your Business

Canadian Discovery University promotional video

Japanese rice ball unwrapped

Motion Reel (2015)

Corgi Loaf animation

ATBC event logos

SummitEvergreen Illustrations

Magazine layout Place/Space